G2 ST link or ways to flash off a german serial number ? i have all the stuff for a st link but dont know how to do a g2 as its newer and no tutorial

17 Juli 2023
i had a GYA scooter and accidentally chnaged to a german sn and now i cant chnage it but i have heard you can change even a german sn with a st link is this true?
Where you heard this and why is no solution to find "there"?
As of yet, no way known for ST-Link for G2 in this Forum.

Search for the "HEX Editor" way here. This is the way for DE Users to switch between German and US S/N at the moment. Bu not sure if it works still with the latest Firmware

BTW as this is a German Forum, the rules say to write in German and use translator like deepl or Google translator
Hallo, das ist alles übersetzt. Wenn es also falsch geschrieben ist, tut es mir leid, ich hatte ein G2E 01gya2310 und habe es versehentlich in 01GZA2310 geändert und weiß jetzt nicht, wie ich es ändern soll. Könnten Sie bitte einen Link zu dieser HEX-App anhängen, damit ich sie verwenden kann? Danke
The Hex Method has absolutely nothing to do with changing the serial number; it is solely a technique to enhance the speed of the scooter.
If you happen to discover a method to undo the changes, kindly share it with us as we would be delighted to change our G2D scooters to G2E.