Ninebot KickScooter MAX G2 Info-Beitrag

Seriennummer fängt an mit 01G und bei mir kam dan ein Y und mit Regio change in Xiaodash hat diese sich in ein X geändert.
Aber vielleicht klappt es nicht mit die G2D Version, hat hier irgendwo jemand geschrieben.
  • Hilfreich!
Reaktionen: Ninebo
I have a question. I have the Max G2E. It's bound to my iPhone Segway IOS app. I also have an old Andorid. If I want to change the region with XiaoDash, do I have to unbind it first on the iPhone? And once done changing region in the Android app, can I go back and keep using the Segway IOS app without issues?

Sorry for using english here but my Deutsch from Swedish elementary school is not good enough. I use Google translate to read this forum as it's one of the most active I've found on speeding up the G2.
I have a question. I have the Max G2E. It's bound to my iPhone Segway IOS app. I also have an old Andorid. If I want to change the region with XiaoDash, do I have to unbind it first on the iPhone? And once done changing region in the Android app, can I go back and keep using the Segway IOS app without issues?

Sorry for using english here but my Deutsch from Swedish elementary school is not good enough. I use Google translate to read this forum as it's one of the most active I've found on speeding up the G2.
As far as I know (and what I did) you needn’t unbind it. Mine kept working as a charm. I had to add the scooter again as it now has a different serial number. But If I did it again I would unbind it and start all over again though. The choice is yours.
To get the full ( USA) capacities of the Segway app I have send the HEX code with the Bluetooth app after changing the region.
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Die Seriennummer bei den D Modellen bleibt bei G. Aber der Regionschange mit xiao funtzt bei mir...
Und hasst du nun auch Tempomat?
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As far as I know (and what I did) you needn’t unbind it. Mine kept working as a charm. I had to add the scooter again as it now has a different serial number. But If I did it again I would unbind it and start all over again though. The choice is yours.
To get the full ( USA) capacities of the Segway app I have send the HEX code with the Bluetooth app after changing the region.
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Und hasst du nun auch Tempomat?
To be able to Bt connect with your Android, you will of course have to switch off shortly the BT setting on your IPhone
  • Hilfreich!
Reaktionen: JRoll
As far as I know (and what I did) you needn't unbind it. Mine kept working as a charm. I had to add the scooter again as it now has a different serial number. But if I did it again I would unbind it and start all over again though. The choice is yours.
To get the full (USA) capacities of the Segway app I have send the HEX code with the Bluetooth app after changing the region.
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And do you now also hate cruise control?
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To be able to connect Bt with your Android, you will of course have to switch off shortly the BT setting on your IPhone
I think I'm screwed. I used the IOS Bluetooth Assistant to send the HEX code. I did unbind the scooter first. But now after sending the HEX codes the app wont reconnect with the scooter. I wonder if unbinding it broke things. I've also reset the HEX code back the the original one but I still can't get the app to connect to the scooter. Am I screwed or is there some way to reset the scooter?
Die Seriennummer bei den D Modellen bleibt bei G. Aber der Regionschange mit xiao funtzt bei mir...
Haben Sie nun auch Tempomat?
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I think I'm screwed. I used the IOS Bluetooth Assistant to send the HEX code. I did unbind the scooter first. But now after sending the HEX codes the app wont reconnect with the scooter. I wonder if unbinding it broke things. I've also reset the HEX code back the the original one but I still can't get the app to connect to the scooter. Am I screwed or is there some way to reset the scooter?
Did you disconnect the BT of the Android?
Do you now also have cruise control?
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Did you disconnect the BT from the Android?
I used IOS Bluetooth Assistan in my iPhone and, yes I did disconnect in the app. I've even reinstalled the Segway app and set up another account but the scooter simply won't fully reconnect with the app.
Ich bin ja ganz glücklich mit dem Scooter. Was etwas nervt ist das dass Schutzblech hinten anfängt zu klappern beim Federn, hat da jemand schon ein fix oder reicht es etwas zwischen Schutzblech und den Seitenteilen zu Quetschen, das es nicht mehr klappert?