Problem with F30E after changing region

9 April 2022
Ninebot F30E
Halo rollerplausch forum,

excuse me for using english, but I am desperate for a bit of help and will appreciate anyone who can help me.

I am a new owner of the Ninebot F30E, from Slovenia so EU region, and was curious if I could get the scooter to 30 km/h from the factory locked 25 km/h.
  • I used the android app to try and change the ESC region to F40 (Global - F40 30km/h),
  • the esc/motor did not like it, it started to shake at low speeds, hence I wanted to revert the changes and select the region (Global F30 25km/h)
The result is that the speedometer now always shows a max speed of 19 km/h (checked that it's set to kmh and not mph).

My question here is, if anyone knows if I've set it to the right default region to the right setting or is there any other way I could set the settings back as they were.

Vielen dank!
Szia! Álitsd vissza a Seriall számot ami a roller matricáján található! Szerintem valahogy úgy működik a dolog, hogyha regio változtatás van akkor megváltozik a seriall is.
Halo rollerplausch forum,

excuse me for using english, but I am desperate for a bit of help and will appreciate anyone who can help me.

I am a new owner of the Ninebot F30E, from Slovenia so EU region, and was curious if I could get the scooter to 30 km/h from the factory locked 25 km/h.
  • I used the android app to try and change the ESC region to F40 (Global - F40 30km/h),
  • the esc/motor did not like it, it started to shake at low speeds, hence I wanted to revert the changes and select the region (Global F30 25km/h)
The result is that the speedometer now always shows a max speed of 19 km/h (checked that it's set to kmh and not mph).

My question here is, if anyone knows if I've set it to the right default region to the right setting or is there any other way I could set the settings back as they were.

Vielen dank!
Upisi rucno s/n koji se nalazi ispod escootera i problem rijesen vratice se na fabricko.
Please use for your posts. In this forum you have to use the german language.
To change your s/n, you have to down-/upgrade to a non-restricted firmware. You can use a ST-link programmer and the ScooterHacking for it.