X Tech Zusatz bremsen Installation

Joar, du brauchst sowas
witzig das es für sowas sogar 'n video gibt :D
Hello everybody. Can you pls advise me on XTECH HB-100 brakes frame adapter for my pro2?

I know some people installing those brakes and changing the disc for 135mm so it better fits with break pads.

I was just wondering if any of those adapters works fine with standard 120mm disk on pro2 so that break pads are fully in line with the disc braking surface?

option 1,


option 2,


and an example of 135mm disc implementation,


and second type adapter.

You dont see the difference in the pictures?
I do, and that is why I am trying to understand which adapter is suitable for pro2 with 120mm disk: the one with 3 holes or the one with 4 holes?