Bedenkenlos ist ein Flashvorgang nie.kann ich den an meinen mi3 anschließen und bedenkenlos flashen?
1000-dank Olli und der Community.Den habe ich mehrfach bereits gekauft und hatte nie Probleme, eine DRV zu flashen:
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Well I did the recovery flash for the controller and the dash and it seemed to work. Went to shu and loaded new software and the acceleration didn't work then the controller fried.I need a modified BLE please
.I have an original xiaoni m360 with a new clone pro dash and I can't get it to
flash have a ST link hooked up to it now but I want to make sure I don't brick it with the wrong flash.
DRV: mi_DRV_STN32F103CxT6 (9.6.9)
BLE: mi_BLE_NRF51822QFAA (
BMS: mi_BMS_ST8 (0000)
Firmware addition is 0969(0_0)
using an Android Pixel 6
Weil du die Kurven nicht eingestellt hast! Und bitte nutze einen Übersetzer wie, wir sind ein deutschsprachiges Forum, danke.Well I did the recovery flash for the controller and the dash and it seemed to work. Went to shu and loaded new software and the acceleration didn't work then the controller fried.
Wichtig: Im Zustand direkt nach der Installation stehen diese Werte und Regler noch auf Null. Das heißt, bevor ihr nichts eingestellt habt, fährt euer Scooter auch noch nicht!
Because you didn't set the curves! And please use a translator like, we are a German speaking for
My mistake, my google translator automatically translated the page into English and I didn't realize I wasn't writing in the wrong language. Hope this works better.
I could use some help. I adjusted the acceleration curve after flashing the controller and clone dash, and unless I'm missing something important, it still doesn't accelerate when I start driving. Then it broke and my controller stopped responding even when I used the st link and ten unbrick program. It says 'Target not found. "I double checked the connections and they are all fine and connected properly.
I was supposed to get a new controller shipped today and am crossing my fingers it isn't so new that it doesn't work.
If there is any type of modded ble that needs to be used since it's a clone display I'd happily use it so this doesn't ruin my next board.
Please if there is any advice or guidance to help me avoid problems let me know.
Now I have the recovery flash for the controller and dash and it seemed to work. Went to shu and loaded new software and acceleration didn't work then controller fried.Well I did the recovery flash for the controller and the dash and it seemed to work. Went to shu and loaded new software and the acceleration didn't work then the controller fried.
I ordered a new one but the issue will still remain so if anyone out there could help me find a modified ble for me clone dash and likely one for my cloned controller that is going to arrive tomorrow it would be great. Or any advice. Or an I doing something wrong by expecting some kind of an answer here? I'm very new and trying to learn and navigate this new world.
1. Modifizierte DRV 016 (Downgrade) herunterladenHallo alle zusammen,
also ich habe mir einen neuen Mi Scooter 3 gekauft, allerdings dabei den Fehler gemacht, als erstes die Xiaomi App zu nutzen und damit dann das tunen via SHU in den Müll geworfen. Dann habe ich mir ein zweites Board auf Aliexpress bestellt. Link: (Color: 1s Germany). Mit diesem wollte ich's dann nochmal probieren, kriege allerdings immer den Error "Update failed! Reason: Data format error". Downgraden funktioniert ebenfalls nicht. Habe dazu auch nochmal ein paar Bilder mit drangehängt und wollte fragen, ob dies für mich jetzt letztendlich bedeutet, dass ich ein ST-Link nutzen muss, oder ob es noch andere Möglichkeiten gibt, irgendwie mit der SHU App voran zu kommen.